Where Did Everyone Go?

When we got up this morning, there were decidedly fewer RV’s in camp as there were the night before.

Campground The Day After The Race

We joined the others and started packing everything up.  Dick took care of the outside organization while Ken & Steve went to town to get the propane tanks refilled.

I tidied up the inside a bit and got ready to blast off for our next stop – Collage Park, MD.

We are leaving dry camping behind for awhile (hallelujah!) and going to be spending the next 7 days at an RV resort with full power, stores, pools, restaurants, mini golf, ball rooms and it’s own bus line.

We had an easy ride….not too much traffic as we left Delaware.  We crossed over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge again and it was just as pretty this time.

I think We’re In Heaven

We made it to the new RV park just before noon. This place is everything we thought it would be and more.

When we got to our site,  Steve got on top of the RV to adjust the TV antenna. It wasn’t long before we were settled in and enjoying our new digs.


We Attend A Phenomenal Briefing

We attended a briefing about all of the site seeing options and opportunities  available in and around the Washington DC area.  The woman who spoke was wonderful. Her name is Barbara, she has worked at the Cherry Hill RV park for 20 years. She knows all of the metro and bus lines by heart and can tell you exactly how to get to a destination.  Not only was she knowledgeable, but she was funny too.

There are so many things to see and do around Washington DC – it can be a bit overwhelming.  Fortunately, we already have plans in place for tomorrow (stay tuned for Day 13), but the rest of the week isn’t planned out yet.

We finished the evening up by having a delicious dinner (thank you Steve) at a fabulous restaurant called Mamma Lucia’s….we all agreed that we would have to go back there before leaving the College Park area.

Tomorrow morning we are leaving at o’dark thirty for a trip into the DC area….we have to be at our 1st location by 7:15 am and it should take a little over an hour to get there on the metro.

Sure hope the guys can get me up in time.