After a great lunch and visit with Ken and Laura’s relatives , we left southwest bound through Oklahoma to hit Highway 40 at Amarillo, Tx on the way home. The closer we got to the Texas Panhandle, the flatter the terrain became. I try not to judge people’s motives, since I live in Oroville, but I do not understand why people would want to live in this flat grey environment. I thought North Dakota was flat when I lived there, but the Panhandle takes the cake. There were some interesting sights, Amarllo is a lot bigger than you might think, but the long interstate is dreary. Hoping to make Tucumcari before dark. We will be crossing into mountain time at the Texas – New Mexico border so that should help.
I can feel the emotional down turn with these cold grey skies. Not looking forward to winter one bit. The weather report indicates sunny skies tomorrow on Route 66….sure looking forward to that!?
Well, I just wrote a whole big comment on the weather here and it got erased when I didn’t put my email address on the submission. I won’t repeat it but the gist is that it has been sunny, sunny, sunny here, so see you when you get here.
Since you have made it back west of the Mississippi, it is my pleasure to award all of you with the honorary Boy Scouts Humidity Merit Badge. Wear it proudly travelers!
Thank you Don! We really do deserve that award 🙂