Everyone had a better night’s rest at The Lake Fairfax Park and we were raring to go this morning.

Steve’s flight was at 11:30 a.m. and we wanted to get him there in plenty of time, so we left for the airport at 9:00. The traffic was light and we were pulling up to the terminal and waving goodbye to Steve at 9:30.

Steve waving goodbye

We stopped to do a little grocery shopping on the way back to the trailer. Obviously, we have limited refrigerator/freezer space, which makes it very hard for Ken to really enjoy his grocery shopping, which is one of his favorite things to do.  I had to laugh watching him wheel this HUGE shopping cart around the store.

Ken with his downsized cart

We also stopped for more fuel….(you’re not supposed to call it gas if you use diesel).  Unfortunately, stopping for “fuel” is something we have had to do frequently on this trip.

When we got back to the trailer, we had breakfast and Dick finalized our plans for the day – a trip to Appomattox by way of Highway 29 in Virginia.

A Most Beautiful Highway

Dick wrote in an earlier post today how much beauty there is to behold while driving on Highway 29.  I loudly second that – I really don’t think I’ve ever seen a prettier area.  Virginia is full of rolling green hills and beautiful old homes….and wide open spaces which were really a welcome site after spending time in the big cities recently.

There’s so much green stuff, we saw several big mowers at work

We got into the Appomattox area around 4:00pm, and instead of rushing through the sites, we decided to make it an early evening and get caught up on doing some chores.  Plus, Ken was feeling a little puny and we wanted him to be able to have a nice relaxing night.

We found a nice RV park called Paradise Lake.  It only took a little while to get settled in and to get Ken out from behind the wheel.

Ken and his girl relaxing

While Ken was resting, Dick, Windy and I went on a bike ride around the park. I think the Paradise Lake in Paradise is prettier than this one……but I sure like the Halloween decorations.

Paradise Lake near Appomattox

Halloween decorations in the park

Windy sure enjoyed herself on the bike ride. Dick says her energy level has really picked up recently……I guses even dogs can benefit from a change in scenery.

When we got back from riding around, Ken was feeling a little better.  We finished up the laundry, and I made beef stew in the instant pot.  It was great to eat at home for a change.

It’s quiet in the trailer right now. Ken and Dick have gone to bed, and I’m up writing this blog and making some more home made dog food.  I get the feeling I’m being watched.

Tomorrow morning we take off to tour Appomattox and afterwards we hope to get into North Carolina….with any luck we’ll be eating dinner at Sierra Nevada’s sister restaurant in Asheville tomorrow night.
